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7 Questions Answered About Whistleblower Hotlines

To organizations that want to promote a speak-up culture but don't know how Most of us agree that implementing a whistleblower hotline is a good thing. You can't argue with facts like putting fraud off to another day only increases its damage.

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Introducing an ethics hotline into your company?
When An Ethics Hotline And Your Company Meet For The First Time

Introducing an ethics hotline into your company? Introductions can be awkward. Introducing a new system into your company can be fraught with challenges. And blank stares... Many times employees are happy with the way things are rolling along and wonder why rock the boat? Other employees welcome new ideas.

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A Glossary Of Fraud Terminology

That's right. A 'Webster's' version if you will A few years ago, Ernst & Young's Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services Practice collaborated with the FBI using specialist software to identify more than 3,000 phrases and terms in emails.

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What Makes a Company Ethical?

Don't retaliate, do reward, do investigate... Thanks for reading! Okay so we'll expand on that a little bit more. We came across an article that referenced a group of researchers that set out to isolate actionable factors that contributed to an ethical organization. It's a pretty broad spectrum to classify. Many would think an ethical organization is made from ethical leadership, how they serve the environment, or what their mission and vision is. But this research team came up with three measurable factors that any organization an use to improve their ethics.

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Four Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Code of Ethics
The Importance of a Code of Ethics

Does your company need a Code of Ethics? Yes, it does! The purpose of a code of ethics is to establish a set of standards, guide decision-making, enhance reputation, encourage accountability, foster a positive work environment, provide a basis for enforcement, and promote continuous improvement in ethical behavior. Code of Ethics vs. Code of Conduct: What's the Difference? It's your rule book if you will. Groups such as national medical associations adopt Codes of Ethics that govern members in individual practices across many places of employment. In contrast, individual businesses may adopt more specific codes of ethics to ensure integrity within the company. Table of Content Hot to Create a Code of Ethics for a Business? Why is a Code of Ethics Important in Business?

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Time to Dumb Down Those Policies, Codes, and Procedures

1905 called and they want their 'legal speak' back It's time to put a stop to all that legal mumbo jumbo and 18th century 'speak'. It's time to 'time-travel' our policies, codes, procedures, and other legal documents on over to 2016. In an article for the Association of Corporate Counsel's website, startup lawyer Olga Mack compares many of today's legalese sounding documents with purging outdated clothing from our closets. Yes! Finally! (we did a little fist pump) We've been emphasizing this very topic - write so your employees can actually understand what they are reading. Don't write to make your employees eyes cross and have them keel over from boredom.

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