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Speak Up, Stay Safe: Your Guide to Anonymous Reporting
Speak Up, Stay Safe: Your Guide to Anonymous Reporting

One of the most powerful tools at an organization's disposal to help grow and nurture a culture of safety, transparency and accountability, is an anonymous whistleblower reporting system. As leadership professionals, especially those in HR, managing and promoting whistleblower reporting intake systems is crucial. You want to increase employee confidence when it comes to speaking up. How do you do that? We'll dive into what you need to know about anonymous whistleblower reporting, and best practices to ensure safety and confidentiality for your employees when they do speak-up.

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How the New York State Whistleblower Law Strengthens Employee Rights
How the New York State Whistleblower Law Strengthens Employee Rights

Whistleblower laws in the U.S. play a critical role in protecting employees who speak out against unethical or illegal activities in their workplace. These laws ensure that employees can report misconduct without fear of retaliation, fostering a culture of accountability and transparency. In recent years, the importance of whistleblower protections has gained significant attention as more employees have come forward to expose fraud, corruption, and violations that jeopardize workplace integrity.

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5 Top Challenges in California Whistleblower Protection and How to Overcome Them
5 Top Challenges in California Whistleblower Protection and How to Overcome Them

Actionable solutions to help businesses create a safer, more transparent environment Whistleblower protection is a critical component of maintaining ethical practices and ensuring transparency within organizations. In California, the importance of safeguarding whistleblowers cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in promoting accountability and upholding the law. With some of the most comprehensive whistleblower protection laws in the United States, California strives to create a secure environment for individuals to report misconduct without fear of retaliation. Despite these protections, significant challenges persist for both employees and employers.

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10 questions to ask a hotline provider
Third-Party Ethics Hotlines: 10 Questions to Ask a Vendor

In the modern business landscape, maintaining an ethical workplace is not just a best practice but a necessity for safeguarding a company's integrity, assets, and the overall well-being of its employees. One of the most effective tools in achieving this goal is implementing a whistleblower hotline. Global ethics hotlines play a critical role in promoting a culture of transparency and accountability within the workplace. Choosing a vendor to provide your ethics hotline shouldn’t be a tedious task. You may have questions about how a third-party hotline works. This post will guide you towards choosing a hotline vendor to ensure you build a more ethical and responsible work environment. We'll cover key points that can help you make an informed decision when choosing a hotline provider that aligns with your values and objectives.

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Leadership's Role in Preventing Incivility: Practices that Make a Difference
Leadership's Role in Preventing Incivility: Practices that Make a Difference

How civil is your workplace? In March 2024, SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) conducted a survey of just over 1600 employees in the US to understand how often they witness or experience incivility in the workplace. One shocking statistic that came out of the survey is that these employees were witness to, or experienced two thousand acts of incivility in their lives every second. In fact, 66% of these surveyed employees believe that incivility in the workplace reduces productivity. So why is there so much incivility in the workplace?

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California Senate Bill (SB) No. 553: Are You Compliant?

SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) No. 553 into law on September 30, 2023. This new law requires nearly all California employers to establish protocols for handling and resolving incidents of workplace violence - bringing with it some very specific requirements. The law takes effect July 1, 2024, and does not include a grace period for implementation.

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