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Psychological Safety and Whistleblowing
The Power of Psychological Safety in Whistleblowing

Fostering a psychologically safe workplace culture is crucial Today's rapidly evolving workplace landscape is depending more and more on organizations building a culture of psychological safety into their very core operations. The workplace is built on a variety of diverse people, cultures, personalities, ideas and challenges, so it goes without saying that creating a believably safe environment for employees to prosper is the linchpin for allowing them to unleash their full potential. An environment where all individuals feel empowered to speak-up, raise concerns, and challenge the status quo without fear of any type of judgment, is an environment prepared to harness the collective intelligence and creativity of the workforce to drive innovation and solve problems.

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Creating Equality in the Workplace: Removing Double Standards
Creating Equality in the Workplace: Removing Double Standards

Do men get the same level of scrutiny as women? There are 7.8 billion inhabitants on Earth and women are the majority. Yet each day brings a new fight, big or small, to the daily agenda. Women have always had to fight a little bit harder than their male counterparts to achieve equality when it comes to wages, perceptions, advantages, opportunities, etc. We've been fighting this fight for hundreds of years. But the recent ousting of one of the most recognized faces in Canadian television due to the colour of her hair, lit a renewed fire under those who continue to fight for women's equality and empowerment.

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Four Ways to Handle Mistakes At Work
Four Ways to Handle Mistakes At Work

Making mistakes at work is a natural part of the learning process. But it can be stressful and challenging to navigate. Some mistakes may have minor consequences, and others can have more significant impacts on the organization and those involved. How we respond to mistakes is critical, both as individuals and as a team. Approaching mistakes with a mindset that is open to growth and learning, can help us not only recover from the mistake but also grow and improve from the experience. In this context, it is essential to understand how leaders can help their teams handle mistakes constructively and learn from them.

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10 Key Reasons to Implement a Whistleblower Hotline
10 Key Reasons to Implement a Whistleblower Hotline (2023)

Create a speak-up culture with a whistleblower hotline Taking steps to minimize the risk of fraud and workplace misconduct is important for any organization. That’s why whistleblower reporting tools are becoming so fundamental for many companies. Such tools serve as an easy way for employees to tip off management about unethical practices and misconduct in the workplace without fear or repercussion, meaning it can help to uncover any wrongdoing or illegal behaviour. This can protect your reputation and bottom line.

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5 Corporate Governance Practices Worth Implementing Into Your Business
5 Corporate Governance Practices Worth Implementing Into Your Business

When running a business, you are responsible for the company’s accountability and transparency. When you’re at the helm, you’re not only responsible for yourself but for your employees too, and without proper oversight and ethics guidelines, you could all find yourself in hot water. That’s why when you’re setting up a business it’s important to implement corporate governance practices. We asked 7 industry experts about their best governance practices and this is what they said.

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10 Fraud Detection Techniques You Can Use Today!
10 Fraud Recovery Techniques You Can Use Today!

Fraud Recovery: 10 Techniques for Instant Success! No organization wants to wake up to find itself the center of unexpected liability or unwelcomed scrutiny. That vulnerability is more significant with the increased occupational fraud stimulated by today's challenging economy, especially if your resources are stretched thin. Fraud costs everyone more if ignored, and your organization is not immune from it.

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