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4 Strategies for Coping with Toxic Work Environments
4 Strategies for Coping with Toxic Work Environments

How to handle a toxic work environment Dealing with a toxic environment, whether in your personal life or at work, is never easy. Workplace toxicity can leave employees feeling unproductive, overlooked, and drained at the end of the day. Negativity at work can present itself in many ways, and it’s important to recognize the signs so that you can solve the problem or look for opportunities elsewhere.

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Whistleblowing Trends: What Does 2020 Look Like?
Whistleblowing Trends: What Does 2020 Look Like?

Whistleblowing has become much more mainstream and accepted over the past decade. New laws that protect employees from retaliation help them step forward to report wrongdoing. There are some recent trends that shine a light on legislation and government initiatives to encourage whistleblowers to speak up.

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Four Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Code of Ethics
The Importance of a Code of Ethics

Does your company need a Code of Ethics? Yes, it does! The purpose of a code of ethics is to establish a set of standards, guide decision-making, enhance reputation, encourage accountability, foster a positive work environment, provide a basis for enforcement, and promote continuous improvement in ethical behavior. Code of Ethics vs. Code of Conduct: What's the Difference? It's your rule book if you will. Groups such as national medical associations adopt Codes of Ethics that govern members in individual practices across many places of employment. In contrast, individual businesses may adopt more specific codes of ethics to ensure integrity within the company. Table of Content Hot to Create a Code of Ethics for a Business? Why is a Code of Ethics Important in Business?

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Ethics Reporting: Internal or Outsourced Program
Ethics Reporting: Internal or Outsourced Program

Should you consider an internal, or external ethics reporting system? If you are considering implementing a whistleblower hotline, there's much to take into account regarding features and benefits of an outsourced program compared to an internal system. Things to think about are budget, resources, and implementation plan, training and report review, response and analytics. What policies and codes need to be developed to support the system? What types of reporting do you need? How do you measure success? And of course, how important is an anti-retaliation policy?

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